
terms and conditions

Refund Policy

✓ This refund policy applies for 15 days from delivery date.

✓ If the client returns the work after 15 days for quality issues, the client shall incur charges of 30% for proofreading and 50% for rework. The 30% & 50% is calculated based on file length & the original cost of the file.

✓ This policy is limited only for category A (Excellent) and B (Good) audio/ document file.

✓ We reserve the right to conduct a proofreading review if there are issues raised on quality before processing a request for a refund.

✓ The request shall be honored if the results of the proofreading review is able to validate a failure in our stated quality standards and guidelines. A revised copy shall be requested from the client.

✓ This refund policy is not applicable for poor quality files and Rush orders.

✓ There is no guarantee of Accuracy for Rush orders and poor quality audio and document files. Reworks are not applicable.

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